Plannning and Implementation

Planning & Implementation

We turn our promises into actions with a well-planned operational and implementation structure.

Procurement of
Packaging & Dispensing
Goods 5-7 business day to go LIVE!

Installation & Deliveries
made 2-3 days prior to start date to
check for malfunction and ensure
uninterrupted supplies

Maintain a stock of minimum 2 days at
every location to account for any delays
or unavoidable circumstances such as
riots,"bandhs" or natural disasters.

Back up plants available in
every city in case of
manufacturing breakdown.

Dispensers are cleaned, sanitized
and services once a month or as
per client request within 24-48 hours

Back up Vehicles in place to
ensure minimal loss of time due
to vehicular breakdown

Daily / Weekly / Monthly
reports submitted for quality
control purposes